Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Reunited after 5 years!!! How Ringo's microchip helped him find his way home.

During June we are promoting National Microchipping Month. National Microchipping Month is a campaign that encourages and promotes reponsible pet ownership through microchipping as the preferred method of permanent identification. 

Microchipping is the most effective way to identify a lost pet, and by keeping your details up to date, you'll increase the likelihood of a happy reunion if your cat goes wandering. You can get your cat microchipped by a vet, local authority or by a trained and insured member of an animal welfare organisation.

There is no minimum age to microchip your cat, and the procedure is simple and doesn't cause harm to your pet. Once the chip is inserted, your cat won't even be aware of its presence.
Ringo in our care

Only six days into June (aka National Microchipping Month) we meet a lovely cat called Ringo. He was found on a farm hungry and desperately looking for his next meal. After hanging around for a week, the owners of the farm contacted us for help. Our deputy manager Phil collected him and brought him into our care. During his routine health check, we found that Ringo had a microchip and had in fact been missing since August 2012! His owner had moved house during this time, thankfully she had updated her new address and telephone number so we were able to contact her. His owner was delighted we have found her cat Ringo after all of this time. She was happy for us to share his story to help promote the importance of microchipping your cat but also to update your address and telephone if you move house. We are delighted he has found his way home after all this time.

Reunited at last

To find out more details about microchipping your cat, please follow the link below

If you cat is already microchipped, when moving house please remember to change your address details on the central database when you move. In the UK, you can update your cat’s registered details by contacting your existing UK database company, or Petlog – on 0844 4633 999 or via – or Anibase – on 01904 487 600 or via If moving abroad, simply putting your cat through PETS or quarantine does not automatically update your records, so it is important that you remember to do this. For your own records also keep your cat’s unique microchip number safe. There may be a small fee when updating your details, but worth it to get your feline friend home.

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