Sunday, 15 January 2017

Wilbur is reunited with owner - thanks to his microchip

Reunited with his owners after being missing for 12 months....

We all love a happy ending! So we have some fantastic news to bring to you today! Our cat we named Sooz (Wilbur – known to his owners) has gone home with his owners. Poor Wilbur has been missing for a year after he escaped while his family were moving abroad to the Netherlands. Thankfully he was microchipped and came from Cornwall. Although after some investigation work we found out his owner’s had moved away and their old house was currently being renovated. We posted his photo here on Facebook hoping to trace an owner, leaflets were put up around the area he was found and he was also put onto Animal Search UK by our volunteer Su. Su managed to find a match on Animal Search and his owners had contacted us. They returned to the UK to collect him.  We are so pleased he has found his way home, will be reunited with the rest of his family and his sibling. We would like to thank our volunteer Su for her brilliant work on Animal Search UK.    
We also want to raise the awareness of the importance of microchipping your cat(s) and keeping their details up to date when you move house –if your cat goes missing and is checked for a microchip, you’re more likely to be reunited.

To find out more details about microchipping your cat, please follow the link below

Going home with his owners

If you cat is already microchipped, when moving house please remember to change your address details on the central database when you move. In the UK, you can update your cat’s registered details by contacting your existing UK database company, or Petlog – on 0844 4633 999 or via – or Anibase – on 01904 487 600 or via If moving abroad, simply putting your cat through PETS or quarantine does not automatically update your records, so it is important that you remember to do this. For your own records also keep your cat’s unique microchip number safe. There may be a small fee when updating your details, but worth it to get your feline friend home.

Wilbur home with is brother

Since writing this blog, we have received news from his owners, he may it back home safe and was reunited with his brother Mika and their dog Pippa. They greeted by them as if he'd only been gone a few days. His owner was amazed to see that they still recognised each other after all this time. He's definitely happy to be home again..