Friday, 30 January 2015

Success story-Salem (now known as Stan)

Salem came in from the RSPCA as part of a rescue which saved 80 cats from the same house. They came into us in a terrible condition from years of neglect. Salem's family group included Bob & Wizz who featured in our recent blog post. Salem had a problem with the pads on his feet that made them swell and bleed. We had to make sure all of the floor of his pen was padded for him. He could not use normal cat litter as this was too rough for his poorly paws. He was very thin and his coat was in poor condition.

Salem and Bob

Salem at the centre
As a result of reading Bob & Wizz's blog, Stan's owners sent us a lovely email update and some wonderful photos that we would like to share with you.

Stan looking very cosy in bed!

This is what they had to say ....

"We've had him nearly 1 year now, and he has really blossomed. He was quite shy when he first came here, and he was hesitant about having too much contact with us, but that didn't last long. He is now pretty outgoing and VERY inquisitive, and quite fearless. He chirrups to us and his 3 sisters all the time, and he is SO affectionate; he has started, in the last couple of months, to be a real lap cat, and even sat on my shoulder the other night, while I was watching TV."

Stan with one of his new sisters


"He loves his 3 sisters, sometimes in a true "annoying little brother" style, but they're pretty patient with him, especially Martha, our grey cat. You often find one of them curled up next to him, and we call him a love bucket, because he's had a mellowing effect on them- apart from when he's trying to sit on them. Although he's only little, he's such a big character, and very funny."
Stan the love bucket!

"It's incredibly rewarding to have been able to give him a safe, loving home, and he has more than repaid our efforts. Knowing a little bit about his past, it's just a joy to see him all stretched out on the bed in a big patch of sunshine, or running round the garden chasing flies. He's got a bit taller and fluffier over the months, but is still a funny looking little thing. Everybody who visits us falls in love with him, and we are so, so pleased we found him. Thank you for taking such good care of him", Pippa & Phil.

Stan loving his new life

We are so happy for Stan and would like to say
a very big 'thank you' to Pippa and Phil
for coming to Axhayes and for giving
this special little cat a loving forever home.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Success story-Bob and Wizz

Bob and Wizz were adopted on the 28 December by Isla, one of our volunteer cat socialisers. She has known the cheeky twosome ever since she started coming to the centre. Isla was so pleased to be allowed to adopt them but wasn’t sure how her existing elderly cat was going to cope with the two new arrivals.

Bob and Wizz on their new bed
Originally Bob and Wizz came in from the RSPCA as part of a rescue which saved 80 cats from the same house. Sadly they came into us in a terrible condition from years of neglect. Due to this Wizz developed a stomach condition which we have under control with medication.
Wizz when he arrived at the centre
When Bob came to us her fur was in bad condition and she was quite skinny. They spent many months being nursed back to health.They had regular handling as they weren’t used to being picked up and stroked. Now Bob’s fur has grown back, she gets regular grooming, which she is getting used to and doesn’t mind being pampered.
Bob showing off in her pen
Bob posing on the stairs

Isla has been keeping in touch on our facebook page with regular updates on the daily antics and adventures of this inquisitive pair.

Here are some of the extracts :

“Hi to all our friends, Bob and Wizz here, thanks for all your messages, we are settling in nicely, have a lovely new big brother who let us steal his lunch when we arrived home, I think Bob is flirting with him, but that's ok. Spent a very cosy night, no more cages now. We have had breakfast and are about to sit in the window and watch our new world go by xx” 

“Hi friends, lots more new experiences and discoveries ... human beds are great to stretch out on or play roly poly over ... airing cupboards are fab, especially ones with a carpeted bottom shelf especially for us felines. I think we have ousted our brother but he knows other places to sit and is too much of a gentleman to push us out - we do move out and let him sit there occasionally. Stairs are such fun, we chase each other up and down them and mum sometimes adds the extra fun of a ball to chase on them too. But when we are tired of all this fun nothing beats curling up together in our own furry bed. Love Bob and Wizz xx”

Bob and Wizz playing on the stairs

“One of our most favourite playthings is not our mice, balls or fish, kindly provided for us, no, it is something we have found for ourselves ... a large cardboard box that mum left on the sitting room floor after taking out the basket of flowers that was in it. We take it in turns to be the one inside while the other sits on top and tries to reach inside to bop the other on the nose ... great fun. Lots of love Bob and Wizz xx”


“We have just arrived home again after taking a trip out to see all our friends at Axhayes. We were a bit worried on the journey out that maybe we had done something wrong and had to go back but everything was just as mum had promised and after a little while we were back in the car and we held our breath all the way home just in case but we needn't have worried. We are now curled up together in our own furry bed ... home at last !!! Love Bob and Wizz xx”


Snuggled together!

We have never met two cats that share such a bond, they truly love and depend on each other. They are so lucky to have found such a devoted new owner and a wonderful forever home.
Bob and Wizz leaving the building

All the staff at Axhayes would like to thank Isla and wish Bob and Wizz
a long and happy life with endless adventures  xxxxxxxxxxxx


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Emily and Mary Appeal

We received a letter from Wynn, who was Emily and Mary’s friend, she was adopted beginning January and we thought it would be great if you could see how she has settled, we are sure that Mary and Emily will be the same if someone special will give them the chance of the loving new home they deserve....

Emily, Mary and Wynn

“A big Hello to you all at the Cats Protection.  

Just a short note to let you know that I am settling in really well in my new home with my new friend John.

He was a bit of a beginner to start with but I have soon set him right. I have made him move my bed a couple of times and tried to change his carpet into a shag pile. I kind of like that.  He has taught me to use my scratching post now (or a least I let him think he did).  He likes to pick me up and I let him do that if I am in the mood for a little cuddle.  I like the idea of being a lap cat. 
I think he likes to crawl around on the floor with me, which he calls Kitty play time, but to be quite honest with you, well really it’s just an excuse for him to play.

 I like lying on the radiator and guess what; he turned the heat down so that I would not overheat my paws.  Come on....I’m a cat and a very happy one. 

 I spend most of the day watching from a large window, in the evenings play with my toys.  I know John wanted me to send you a picture, which I will do when he is out of the house, this internet thing is so much fun...... and if I never make a lap cat ....I will be a laptop cat. !!!!!

 Love Winnie”     xx



If you would like more information about adopting her friends Emily and Mary please get in touch with us via our website Thank you.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Volunteer Vacancy - volunteer group co-ordinator for our Friends of Group

Volunteer Vacancy - Volunteer Group Co-ordinator

We are currently looking for a Volunteer to become our new Group
Co-ordinator for our Friends of Exeter Axhayes Group.

Our Friends of Group are a great bunch of people who organise and run

fund-raising events and raise vital funds for the Centre. They meet here at Axhayes Adoption Centre on the third Monday of every month at 6pm, and we are currently looking for a Group Co-ordinator. Our Friends of Exeter Axhayes Group formed in November 2010. They have successfully organised events such as our Easter Eggstravaganza, our Firewalk, coffee mornings and street collections.

In this challenging and rewarding role as a Group Co-ordinator you will be the driving force behind the work of your group in making a big difference in the lives of cats in need in your local area. The role of a Group Co-ordinator involves organising and chairing meetings which are held on the third Monday of every month. You will be supporting and managing all of the volunteers in your group. To ensure the group remains proactive and promotes a positive and professional image of the Cats Protection. To plan and develop the work of your group to ensure you make a real difference to helping cats in your area. You would need to liaise with our adoption centre managers and with the relevant departments at the NCC. To ensure that all paperwork is kept up to date and supporting the treasurer. We will provide you with support and guidance and to work with others to ensure that you have a positive and enjoyable volunteering experience.

This is a fantastic opportunity to make a real difference to cats and kittens in Exeter and the surrounding areas. You will have the opportunity to develop new and existing skills. You will meet new people and work as part of a dedicated team and gain experience in working as an important member of the team in the Cats Protection.

Our centre cannot carry out this vital work without funds, so by becoming a Group Co-ordinator you could be at the forefront of helping hundreds of cats and kittens every year. If you have a passion for cats and can spare some time to fundraise or be a supporter for the charity's work, then we would love to hear from you!

If you think this could be you, and you live in the Exeter area, please contact Louise on 01395 232377 for more information, thank you.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Santa Paws Appeal - Thank you from all of us at Exeter Axhayes!

Our Santa Paws Appeal 2014 has been another huge success! We would like to thank everyone for donating Christmas presents for our cats, kittens and our staff.  We would also like to thank our Amazon shoppers who have bought our cats Christmas gifts via our Amazon wishlist.
Our cats and kittens had a fun Christmas morning opening them, some of them managed to open their presents themselves and some loved playing with the wrapping paper. We would also like to thank everyone who donated gifts for our CCAs, our girls really appreciated it. We thought we’d share a few photos of our cats with their gifts….

Rummage and Roxanne




Wizz and Bob
We're having a fantastic month homing, we are happy to say all of the cats pictured above with their Christmas presents have been adopted. We hope everyone had a nice Christmas and would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!