Lights, camera, action! CCA Gemma has been busy filming our latest youtube film, for our Christmas Appeal. Our Youtube channel is nearly two years old and has undergone a make over this year; this is its first Christmas film. This latest film has made some of the CCAs a little teary when they watched it in the office. We hope it will help many kittens and cats here at Axhayes find homes in time for Christmas.
During filming Mrs Ewing and Lady loved the camera a little too much. They enjoyed kissing the lens and head butting the camera. Unfortunately they didn’t make the film this time; we will try again if they are still with us. They were just grateful for the attention and cuddles.
Our mischievous and usual hyperactive duo Trinity and Morpheus, were very chilled out and relaxed during filming. They are usually very difficult to photograph or film, they love cuddles and to play. Waggle dance and Puddle duck were also relaxing this afternoon, both purring happily and enjoying tickles. Our wonderful mums Maisie and Tabitha were pushing each other out of the way for their moment in the spotlight.
Haddeo and her brother Digby also star in this film. These kittens were rescued from under a dual carriageway bridge in Exeter back in September. They have moved to our rehoming section this weekend. They were very frightened when they first came into us, now two months later; they have come on leaps and bounds. All they sociable, affectionate, playful and always greet you with purrs. Little Haddeo also took part in our Axhayes Christmas photos which have been featured on our facebook page along with our kittens Coverly, Pumpkin, Baby Sue and Ellen.
We are hoping this video will help our cats and kittens find loving forever homes in time for Christmas. Please watch our video on our youtube channel today.
If you are interested in adopting any of our cats and kittens, please contact us on 01395 232377 or please visit our website or facebook page for more information. Over the Christmas period the way we home cats changes slightly. Many people's homes are very busy, full of excitement and hustle and bustle, and this is not the right kind of environment to settle in a rescue cat. For this reason homing during the Christmas period will be at our adoption centre manager’s discretion. We will continue to carry out home-visits, and after these, you can still reserve a cat to be picked up in the New Year. Our opening hours only change in that we are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Thank you.